Monday, January 28, 2013

Starting over stinks...

Starting over stinks, but I’m grateful for the opportunity to do so.

So prior to my diagnosis, I had started training to run the Ten for Texas with some of my neighborhood friends.  Ten miles…me??  Am I crazy??  I say that because I was NEVER a runner.  Yes, I played basketball and I tell you it took all season for Louie Johnson to run my butt into shape!!  LOL  My favorite sport was softball and I was good to go for four bases J  My friends tried to get me to run track with them in junior high – NO WAY!!!

Well, I actually started running a few years ago in preparation for the Warrior Dash 5K run/ obstacle “race”.  I never intended to “race” it, just finish!!  Since this was kind of my suggestion to the neighborhood ladies at a ladies’ night out, I definitely needed to make sure I could complete it with them.  So I started running because at the time there was no way I could run 3 miles without passing out.  I have now participated in that run two years, but this last year, after wading through chest-high swamp water I’ve decided NO MORE!!  It was definitely disgusting!!!
Warrior Dash 2011

Warrior Dash 2012
5K down, so now what??  I’m the type of person that needs a goal to stay committed to it.  So the next goal I set was actually to complete a half marathon.  It is STILL my goal!!  The goal hasn’t changed, only the timeframe!!  The Ten for Texas was going to be a part of that training and now I’m starting from scratch.  It’s frustrating, but I will not let it discourage me from completing the goal.  I do wish I was running it in March with my neighborhood friends!!  I miss running with them, but I’m just not there yet. 

Ten for Texas - Proud of these girls!!

After surgery, I told myself that regardless of how I felt I would give myself until January before I started running or working out again.  So my first run was on January 2nd and I had a cold or something coming on.  I was hoping that a good run might kick it out of me, but instead it just progressed.  I ended up with bronchitis, which just delayed getting going again.  These past two weeks I’ve been able to get back in the gym some and started running again…slooooowly, but surely!!  It is a little frustrating knowing where I was and where I am now, but I am very thankful that I have the opportunity and the energy to start over.

The first few workouts were rough, of course!!!  Not only was I sore from not working those muscles, but I was also experiencing some muscle spasms that I hadn’t felt in months.  Another friend/ survivor just reminded me that I needed to take it slower than usual…yes, that’s a bit hard for me!!  I don’t really do SLOW!!  So those first few workouts were followed by a hot soak bath and a valium at bed time J  I’m glad to have those behind me and I’m looking forward to getting back into a regular workout routine!!

Love & Belief!
