Monday, October 1, 2012

Easier than I thought...

So we had been holding off telling the kids as long as possible.  Would have liked to have told them a few days sooner, but they both had weekend activities and I just didn't want to ruin anything for them..  Rance had a fencing tournament Saturday morning followed by Ryleigh's gymnastics meet.  We then began a birthday celebration for Ryleigh with a few of her friends over for a sleepover and then a trip yesterday to the American Girl doll store.  My mom came over late afternoon as she will be staying with us all week :-)

After dinner, the kids took off to the trampoline.  How do they do that??  Jump on the trampoline after eating...ugghhh!!  As I started cleaning up the kitchen, I could hear them laughing and playing...sweet music to my ears!!!  As much as I hated to put a damper on their good time, I found it to be a comfortable setting to sit down with them.  We love hanging out on the trampoline together.  I guess it will take some time before I'm doing back flips on there again ;-)  They were absolutely amazing!!  They took it all way better than I had expected, which made it so much easier for me.  The tears came when Ryleigh got upset that I would not be here for her actual!!  Broke my heart!!  She had been asking me about coming to eat lunch with her on this day for more than a was killing me.  But NANA to the rescue!!  My mom will be taking her lunch and cupcakes to school today :-D

They had a few questions, of course!! 
Rance:  "Are you going to lose your hair?"
Me: "I don't know!!  We don't know my full treatment plan yet.  If I do, will you still love me?
Rance: "Of course!"

Ryleigh: "Are you in pain?"
Me: "No."
Ryleigh: "Could you die?"
Me: "Yes.  I could die walking across the street or driving down the road in the car, but I'm going to be okay."

Love them with all my heart!!  I'm just glad that parts over and they went right back to jumping, flipping and laughing!!  God is good...all the time!!

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