Thursday, October 4, 2012

Day 3 - Post Op

HA!!!  When you think things can't get worse...they do!!  I woke up this morning in excruciating pain, a horrible headache and the nausea was just about unbearable!!  I just wanted to I did :-(

Then, my mom, the sweet thing that she is got my kiddos up and spoiled them with breakfast (bacon and eggs).  Sounds wonderful; right?  But not to the one suffering from nausea.  I got 'kicked' out of the house...LOL  I couldn't stand the smell and just knew I was going to be sick.  Luckily for me the weather was nice out and a breath of fresh air did me some good :-)

I took some advice from my wonderful friend, Amy, who has also been down this road and it seems I did a little better with the meds today and was not as nauseated as yesterday.  In addition, some shoulder rolls and the breathing exercises helped release some of the tension.  After a nice mid-morning nap I felt much better.

While Nana had lunch with Rance at school, I had a nice visit with my neighbor Shelleen who was nice enough to take our dog down to the groomer for us today.  The Good Lord is definitely working on my "asking for help" skills in all of this.  All of my neighbors have been so wonderful and supportive.  They have meals planned out for our family through next week.  What a BLESSING!!!  They are definitely spoiling us for sure!!

I left the house for the first time today since surgery.  No worries; I wasn't driving with my triple vision!!!  There was just no way I could send her out into the 'great unknown' to try and pick up our dog.  She gets lost on the 610 Loop so I surely couldn't send her into The Woodlands...LOL  We dropped Rance off at fencing and picked up the dog and then returned home for some yummy chicken and wild rice soup (thanks, Caron)!!

Ryleigh kind of flew in and out of the house like she does best.  I am really glad that they both have taken all this so well.  She's having her first "school night sleepover" with her best friend KK tonight.  Tomorrow is their third grade field trip and they are super excited!!  They have their matching clothes and need matching hair tomorrow, of course!!  That's what BFF's do ;-)

Keith has dinner plans tonight as the boss is in town for the rest of the week. Looks like it might be a movie night for me, Rance and Nana...if I last that long.

Many of you have asked about the next step.  I am not scheduled to receive my full pathology back from surgery until October 15th.  I will then have the results of the oncotype test and know whether or not chemotherapy is needed or not.  The oncologist has said that there's a 10% chance that I would need it and a 90% chance I wouldn't.  Please continue to pray, but regardless, I will get through this!!

Love and Belief to you all!!


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