Monday, October 1, 2012

Who knew??

October 1, the first day of Breast Cancer Awareness Month.  Who knew this day would become so significant in my life?!?!  Nine years ago today, my daughter Ryleigh was born one day earlier than her expected surgery date.  I had been scheduled for a c-section at 35 1/2 weeks due to pre-term labor condition...already 3 1/2 weeks earlier than her due date and this child of mine decides that she wouldn't have it!!  She wouldn't come into this world on anyone else's terms, but hers...LOL  Very typical of her personality even today.

One year ago today, I ran my very first 5K race.  For those of you that know me, I have never been a runner.  Yes, I played basketball and loved it, but the conditioning used to kill me.  I would get so overheated and sick.  I used to say that the furthest I'd run was four bases...that was plenty!!!  Well, I started running earlier in the year to prepare for the Warrior Dash.  Of course, it wasn't really for a time or anything, I just wanted to complete it.  Then in May, my sister Sandy was diagnosed with breast cancer and I decided to run the Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure in her honor.  She had just started chemotherapy at that time and it was just something I felt the need to do.  Our family and many of her friends got together and created a team in support of her.  Team 'Ohana...'Ohana means family, and family means no-one gets left behind or forgotten!!  Thank you Lilo and Stitch.

Now today, just one year later, I am undergoing a surgical procedue to remove my breast cancer.  How crazy is that???  Never would have thought that in a million years, especially so soon after my sister going through it.  So very ironic!!!  Who knows what the future holds for me on this day, but I know for sure this day will continue being a very big part of my life as a BREAST CANCER SURVIVOR!!

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